So much to write about today.
I realize that I haven’t written much lately… I got hit with this cold/congestion/feels a little like consumption thing, and I’ve been pretty much OOC for two weeks (Out Of Commission in this case, as opposed to the usual Out Of Control).
And so much has been happening!
Take for instance, the fact that I’ve been drowning in a sea of intakes, and I think that as of this afternoon, right here, from Borders, wedged between an old dude browsing The Drudge Report while bitching on his cell phone to his invisible friend about the NBA melee last Friday, and what I can only presume is a college student doing a current events report (fifth grade, anyone?) on a laptop with a National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacationdesktop image, I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, my happy ass is back at Borders, the Mecca of my work-related productivity. And yes, I am still using the sad work laptop, since I still do not have my own (sigh). And no, I am not going to use this opportunity to scope out available dudes... Aw, hell. Scratch that last one. I’m not a very good liar.
Moving on. Anyway, yes, I’ve been sick for over a week, and have nothing to show for it but a great tolerance for all sorts of cough and cold medicines. I’m at the end of the cold medicine spectrum where I’m actively seeking out stuff that “makes coughs more productive." Productive? Like what, a six-figure annual income and 3.2 children productive? Maybe I should stay away from taking the night-time stuff during the day. Wait. I can hear the old guy’s tunes through his headphones. Must crank my own up a few notches.
I keep jumping off topic. Ah yes... THIS WEEKEND. I’ll admit openly that a good bulk of it was dedicated to two things: THE GAME, and RECOVERING FROM THE GAME. Oh, it was a beaut! There was action, there was drama, there was a spattering of crappy calls, but overall, I found the whole experience WHOLLY SATISFYING. Satisfying in that Route 44 size Orange Slush from Sonic way. Satisfying in that “I’m going to remind Jaz every time I hear “Toxic” that she bitched “My God, I can’t believe I’m dancing to a Britney Spears song for you!” way. Oh, yeah. Like that.
And like this:

Caption: Looking downfield for an open man, Chris Leak feels the impending pressure from Dicks... hee hee... bearing down on him. Wait, I can't do this! I know it's Dickson, but still!
Oh, and there's this:

Caption: Zook pulled out all the stops for what was probably his final game as head coach. This "fly by the seat of your pants" coaching style culminated in the fourth quarter, when he finished off the Seminoles' defensive line with his "Big Daddy Crane" Style.
Man, I should write caption for a living. I'm having too much fun by myself in public!
Now I'm tired, and people are looking at me funny. Screw you guys, I'm going home!
Summary only...