Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A late-evening conversation.

The following conversation just happened about five minutes ago.

There (groggily): Uh... hello?
Here: Oh, hey. You were sleeping?
There: Yeah. 'Sokay. What's up?
Here: Nothing. Just wanted to say hey. Forgot you were going to bed so early.
There: Nah, I just have to get up early. (Sounding concerned) Is everything okay?
Here: Yeah. Go to bed.
There: Are you sure?
Here (more emphatically): Yes! Go to bed! I will tell you my theories at a later date.
There: Theories? What theories? What about?
Here (thinking quickly): Um... procreation?
There: Agh... Don't do it.
Here: Okay, I won't. Bye.