Monday, February 13, 2006

Grr. Argh.

It was one of those days today. You know, the one where if a person actually comes up to you with that super-cheery "Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays!" just like they do in Office Space, you might actually jam out on their face with a rubber mallet (only because we're humane, people. Only because we're humane).

It started off with an e-mail from my boss telling me the article I was supposed to write was due by the end of the day. Now, I don't know about you, but when you have a ton of crap on your desk, and you can't see the end of it, to be given another piece of crap that's supposed to take precedence over the older, more pressing crap... well, you get the point.

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Just like my cube. Except with far less clutter and much more Tetris. And Ron Livingston isn't sitting at my desk, either. And I'd kill to have an Initech page holder for my monitor!

I mean, it's not like anything
important... it's a cheesy company newsletter gig where you spend so many words lying about how your department is totally enthused about all the changes that are happening. But, still, it's just one more thing. And I was volunteered to write it, which makes me all the more motivated.

Too bad I don't have the literary freedom I had with meeting minutes at my last job. I may never have a job where I can write the word "cockmaster" in the minutes with nary a second look again. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hey the contract company that just took over at my place is called 'Indyne'. I keep telling all the contractors that they work for Penetrode now.

The great axiom in government work that defines the proper protocol for conducting a task that you were 'volunteered' for is:

"If you do a sh*tty job, then they won't ask you to do it again."

Lisa Armsweat said...

Ahhh, you know what you need? That's right! GO KICK A DOG! (Thank me later.)

Or, just give 'em a little of the old stinkfinger across the upper lip. That'll learn 'em to give you stuff to do at work.