Thursday, May 18, 2006

"There's talcum powder on the letter, and the birthday boy is there."

Ah, must get over this negative cloud hovering today... As you may have seen from my previous post (now below this one), I have been in a foul mood today. To remedy this, I shall present myself (and a good percentage of my viewing public) some much-needed Eye Candy:

Because concentration is... hot.

Because "the cut" is... hot.

Because Grammaton Clerics are... hot.

Because a Limey footballer who is secure enough in his manhood to attempt to rock a lavender turtleneck is... hot? Well, maybe not, but Mr. Owen always is!

A bit much? Perhaps. Self-serving? Most definitely. But damn if I don't feel better!


Fraulein N said...

Shirtless Christian Bale really ought to come with a warning. Holy sculpted pectorals, Batman!

Smackadocious said...

Sorry, sorry... I should have sent out signal (most likely of the "bat" variety). Maybe I should leave the tarp out.