Sunday, October 08, 2006

"R-tards" and getting "pwned."

I hadn't watched an episode of South Park in quite a while, but yesterday, after watching the fine football stylings of the Gators beating LSU, Danhole played this week's "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode for us. Yes, there were plenty of other football games to be had. But, in all fairness, one can only watch South Carolina play Kentucky for so long without wanting to stab themselves. Repeatedly.

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See, even The Steve can barely handle it. And his team's playing!

Anyway, don't be an r-tard, and watch the link listed above.

So, another Sunday evening, another weekend gone by too fast. I honestly have no idea where the time goes. One moment, I'm watching quality football with the boys, and the next, I'm dreading the next morning, where the shit-ass work cycle begins all over again. I mean, I barely have enough time to ogle the eye-candy!

No, it's not one of the hottest pictures of Chris, but all the "Leak for Heisman" love is certainly a turn-on. All appropriate parties, take note!

Okay. I am going to take some Tylenol now in anticipation of the headache that awaits me tomorrow. I'll let you know if it works.