Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Okay, because I promised, here are a few pictures. I only mananged to salvage a couple from Perla's stellar photo shoot (see entry about my mom vs. electronics), especially because she kept insisting that instead of looking into the camera, we should "Look at the ring! Look at the ring!"

I refuse to call my ring anything even remotely sounding like "My Precious." And yes, I do realize that my intended proposed to me wearing what we call his "Mr. Happy Ass" t-shirt. This may give you a tiny bit of insight as to why I said "Yes!" before he finished asking the question.

Okay, Ma? Knock that "Look at the ring!" shit off already!

And here's the ring close-up. Oh, if I only knew how to really use my camera...

Great. Now everyone's seen my "Rubble Hands," which are similar to what Stumpster calls my "Flintstone Feet."

Here comes a doctor... Back later.


Stevie said...

It's absolutely gorgeous!And the little shade of pink on your cheeks is nice too. I think you two will be perfect together, just keep him out of the gravel...Just kidding.

Fraulein N said...

Oh, it's a lovely ring! Congrats!

Lisa Armsweat said...

Mr. Happy Ass INDEED. He did a great job picking out the ring AND the lady. Woo hoo. And you, madam... congratulations on finding a great dude in a sea of shitheads and punk-ass-bitchboys. It's hard work!

Rubble Hands?! Come on now. I don't see any Rubble Hands. But the phrase is super funny, so I am going to laugh now anyway.

Smackadocious said...

Thank you, ladies (w/the possible exception of Cruel Shoes... didja hear s/he may have had a sex change? I think I read it on a list somewhere).

I consider myself incredibly lucky to have found such a wonderful gent. I have a feeling that the marriage part is going to be awesome, but the wedding (especially the planning) is going to be... interesting.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go work on the invitation list, which will undoubtedly be full of a good share of shitheads and punk-ass-bitchboys. Watch as my Rubble Hands fly over the keyboard with a Cro-Magnon grace never before witnessed!