Never again.
I can tell you one thing: I'm never going to eat Jell-O while watching Nip/Tuck agan. No, sir! Just not a good idea.
Today was pretty good. I got a lot of errands done after going down to Delinquent Central. Spent a bit more money than I intended, but got things done.
PMI wasn't too bad this morning. I didn't have to run any groups (thankfully) but I did talk to some of the staff down there so they get used to having a presence from my agency. There is this new case manager there, who is, unusually, 1) a man; and 2) hot as hell. Yes, unusual for the situation on both counts. Hot, male case manager. Woot!
Anyway, I formally met the guy yesterday while I was talking to the program director. He came in to the PD's office, looked at me, offered me his hand to shake and said, "Hi, I'm John."
And, of course, I replied, "And I am so fucking yours!"
Oh, wait. That was my internal fantasy dialogue. What I meant to say was that I replied in kind, joked around for ten seconds, then that was basically it.
Today, I returned to PMS, er, PMI, and stood outside with the staff as the students came in on their respective buses. John was making it a point to shake every student's hand as they got off the bus (something I think the new PD started). It was almost funny, like the kids were boarding a cruise or some shit. Except it was some sort of prison cruise where you got frisked before you boarded.
I stood out there, shaking hands with a boatload of delinquents who would probably shiv me if they had the chance, chatting about marine institute teaching methods and making references to good old Billy Glasser (he brought up Glasser, not me). Made me feel right educated. Sure did! I even did the obligatory visual scan (for the second time in two days, mind you), and yet again, found no ring. Not even a tan line where a ring would be. The plot thickens. Here's to hoping that I don't continue to make an ass of myself in front of him, or that he's not gay, or that he doesn't fall for some silly intern. I'd just die.
Oh, yeah. Nip/Tuck. Soooo good tonight.
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