Friday, August 13, 2004

Olympics Fever Has Begun...

Yeah, about two days ago, when the girls batted Greece about gently on the pitch. Still don't understand why prelim play started two days before the opening ceremonies. And I think they could've shown more spirited play for their first time out. Well, at least they won, and Abby scored. Maybe Heather will pull a similar "Oops, Must be Da Bus Mix!" move like the one she pulled last month and get a goal. That would be cool. Can't wait to see it.

Right now, I'm watching the opening ceremonies. Katie Couric just accused Bob Costas of being "a bit slow on the uptake." It's take no prisoners time, I suppose!

Hold on... are those hot Bosnians I see? I'm going to need a minute. After all, I've got to get torqued up for Brazil, too. No comments about "Brazilians," please. Riley's been through enough mockery.

Damned Frenchies. Wearing olive leaves on their heads and waving flags that are France on one side, Greece on the other. Froggy ass-kissers! I'm not going to even look for a hot Frenchman... they're all imported from other countries, if I am to believe that episode of Sex and the City where Carrie dates the French architect who leaves her money on the bedside table after their date. And that guy also does the commercials for Rooms To Go. So, yes, I am inclined to believe that there are no natural-born hot Frenchmen, if SATC had to recruit a very American furniture hocker to slap on a cheesy Frog accent to convince me that there were. Whew! That was a lot.

Heh heh. Bob just said, "It's Denmark that rules the shuttlecock in Europe!"

Aren't you glad I can keep focus?