Sunday catch-up.
Just got back from a day of shopping at Costco with the matriarch. We went for the sole purpose of buying goods to send to the islands, but came back with a hell of a lot more stuff. Now, I'm attempting to do some laundry so I don't have to go deal with delinquents in St. Pete Beach tomorrow wearing my one of the shirts from my "Great Frat Shirts of the Southeast" collection.
I just watched the end of US/Italy Men's Volleyball prelim, where Lloyd Ball was getting all hot and bothered after losing to Italy. I think I even heard him say something like "Fuck you! Good win!" before he asked the I-talians if they wanted some. Now, I don't know how the entire game went, but that was a hell of a segment to catch! Americans, all sweaty, hot, and bothered! Hell, at least they weren't wearing those damned sailor suits. GO USA!
Darth encourages all US olympians to call home using 1-800-GO-VADER.
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