"You all ready to bust some ass?"
Sorry. Kris and I were discussing that movie earlier, and it's making me want to watch it again. Maybe I'll reward myself with doing so this evening if I can make it through the day without kicking too many kids out of group. Little smartasses think they can get me to be angry in anger management group, huh? Well, they've got another thing coming!
I'll do a current status update, then I'm off to bed. Yeah, like you guys really care what the hell is going on over here!
Currently playing: "Breezy," by Jojo. Yeah, I said it. Hey, five minutes ago it was "Tambourine" by Wild Orchid. Don't judge me!
Last thing I saw on TV: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. They've been playing it on HBO every three hours. "I've got to go take a shower, because I am just covered in... well, you can only imagine!" Classic.
Last thing I ingested: the antibiotic I have to take every six hours, chased with some water. My life is fun!
Last person I talked to on the phone: Kris. Hence the movie nostalgia mentioned above. Anybody want to wager a guess as to what movie that is (besides Kris, of course)?
Last person I talked to at my house: My bro. We were watching a DVD and kept saying "Do it, do it!" like in Starsky & Hutch until he decided to let one rip in my room; then I kicked him out. Breaking wind was decidedly what I was talking about when we were quoting Ben Stiller. Gah.
Last words before retiring to the bed: "Who let the psycho in?" I think it was Dan. Dammit.
1 Comment:
The Jerm Cell Says: He who breaks wind, feels better, those around him....not so much. Especially when traveling with friends and you have to sleep in the same hotel room!
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