Sunday, September 05, 2004

Hurricanes can bite my ass.

Another weekend, another storm forcing me to stay indoors with my family. I'm telling you, it almost lead to some quality shouting matches, but I managed to keep my composure long enough to ride out this storm we're having.

On this side of the state (or at least the Pinellas County area), there has been nothing but strong winds and pelting rain for the last day and a half. Riley had yet another "hurricane day" where she didn't get to eat until the evening, and her trips to pee were sporadic because of Noah and his ark going on outside. In proper fashion, Riley spent her day lazing about on my bed, contentedly chewing on her Nylabone keys and occasionally sitting upright whenever the power went off or there was a particularly noisy gust of wind whipping around the house. The rest of the family... well, I think we all basically did the same thing, minus the Nylabone keys.

I would have done some work on the computer if it weren't for the power going out a few times during the day. I was constantly afraid that I'd be in the middle of something, then the power would go off. In fact, the power did go off maybe three or four times today, mostly this morning, but for no longer than a few minutes. So, as the day progressed, and the power outages became less frequent, I decided to watch some programs saved on the DVR to kill time.

I was about halfway into the premiere episode of Hawaii, happily taking in my daily dose of mediocre television, when -zzpt!- the friggin' power went out. I'm wondering if this is some sort of omen for the new television season to come.

I'm not complaining, however. Come to think of it, I was chatting it up with LoLo earlier this evening, and we concluded that we got off light with the hurricane crap for the second time in a month. Those situated in the middle to the eastern coast of the state, however, have not been so lucky.

In fact, I'm hoping to get a check in from everyone in the affected areas, if possible. I hope everyone is doing okay and has managed to stay safe. I will be making the usual calls, and understand, of course, if I won't be able to get through to everyone right away.

Keep dry and keep your heads up, folks.