Friday, September 10, 2004

Too tired to type...

Much more than this, anyway. I am almost too tired to change the channel to avoid possibly viewing Good Burger. But I will leave the promo for it on long enough to hear the Less Than Jake song playing in the background. Oh, bliss.

It almost makes me want to go a round of Silent Karaoke, since I haven't done that in a couple of months. But, what J.Co said is true: all this hurricane shit is absolutely draining. Being preoccupied with not being able to go where I have to because of closed roads, what supplies I need to get, are we going to get hammered this time?... it's friggin' exhausting. I haven't even had the chance to notice the things that really matter.

Like Silent Karaoke.

Oh, well. Maybe later, after I've mustered the sufficient strength needed that only large amounts of carbonated beverage can provide. Right now, I'm going to probably fall asleep while watching Planet Twelve: The Secret Life of Twelve-Year-Olds. Casualty of the job, I guess. I can't believe I still want to understand these little buggers!