Thursday, October 14, 2004

Like three the hard way.

A quick state of the blog report, then I'm going to bed. This week is too damned nuts.

  • Now playing: Beastie Boys, To the 5 Boroughs. I'm so totally going to be in pain on Wednesday morning, it's not even funny.
  • Best thing I've heard all day: Lori telling me on the phone, "Jordan's ball is stuck. Not his balls, his ball!" My response:"Well, that seems to sound more problematic, don't you think?"
  • Plan for tomorrow: Don't die. Finish my five intakes like a good girl. Reward myself with icy cool beverages.
  • What I plan to fall asleep to: The Goonies. It's on. I love it. I heart Sean Patrick Astin. What's good enough for you is good enough for me, Mikey Walsh. Woot.

Ahoy, matey! I see the Two Towers on the horizon!

  • How I've been answering people's requests all day: "Hi. No!"
  • What I'm going to do before trying to fall asleep: Whisper positive affirmations to my sleeping puppy. Suggestions welcome.
  • Thing that I thought was so cute I thought I might throw up a little: When I reviewed my voice mail from this morning, and got a five minute long message from Trajana, apologizing to me for not calling about a work thing the evening before, explaining why she didn't, then apologizing for leaving such a long voice mail. Bless her heart.