It's Love Day!
No, not Valentine's Day... Love Day! Yes, it's Love's birthday! Break out the heart-shaped cake!
Of course, those bitches at ABC decided not to pick up her sitcom, so that sucks. But there are rumblings going around that CBS is picking up a pilot for a series that stars Love as a newlywed who can talk to the dead... Ah... Medium... ah... Sixth Sense with... ah, never mind.
Okay, so, here's wishing her better luck and success this year, eh?
And now, for the gratuitous pics, courtesy of the March issue of Maxim:
You know, I wish I could fit one friggin' thigh in that outfit. Work it, sister!
Happy Birthday to... Uh, Dan? Sideshow? Did I forget to lay down the tarp again?
And now, for a nugget of joy from Love herself. Then it's off to bed:
"It's funny, I went to visit a bunch of troops at the Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington when they got back from Iraq, and over half of them had my first Maxim cover issue with them at their bedside. They said they were allowed to bring a certain number of things to Iraq, and so many of them felt the need to let me know that they had spent quite a few evenings with me. Under normal circumstances, I would've been like, 'OK, that's gross,' but I was, oddly, very touched."Right-o!
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