"Give me a recharge, bitch!"
Nothing more amusing at one in the morning than Sarah Michelle Gellar and Maya Rudolph as the Ramada Sisters. And by the way, SMG as Christina Aguilera in a spoof of Making the Video: Dirrty is just... comic gold!
It's the first of the month (insert random Bone Thugz-N-Harmony lyrics here), and I find myself in front of the laptop, relishing in a fresh waffle bowl from the Slab. Yes, this addiction knows no limits.
This evening, I went to the Slab nearest to work, and for once, they had strawberries in the evening. This particular store never, ever has strawberries in the evening when I get out of work late. So, this has been a red-letter day. Or, at the very least, forty minutes.
More after I finish this. The dog is eyeing me with a nefarious plan to snatch my ice cream glistening in her eye. Tricky little minx!
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