Wednesday, March 09, 2005

"Respect the cruller. But tame the donut!"

Oh, Jesus. I was planning on spending the evening catching up on paperwork, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. After all, there was Alias to be had today, as well as making that Season Four tape I'm making to clear up space on the DVR, and my sudden need to have a hot fudge sundae. Yes, after almost thirteen hours at the House of Pain (also known as "work,") the last thing on my mind is actual labor.

Alias was damned good this evening. As per usual, somewhere between the seventh and ninth episode of the season, they really get into the swing of things and set the course for the rest of the year. This episode alone, I said "What the fuck?" at least five times more than usual. My favorite things about this episode? Weiss calling Sydney a "filthy American," Marshall proclaiming his DJ skills, and that Mustang crashing through the factory doors and emerging without a scratch. That's some kick-ass Turtle Wax, if you ask me.

Speaking of Turtle Wax, Jerminator has officially become a member of the Fuckles Blog Team. His most recent post has something to do with biscuits, gay cousins, and the General Lee. If you get the chance, go check it out to see what he has to say when he gets the chance to talk out of his ass!