Friday, April 08, 2005

Law and Hors d'oeuvres.

I just had a fabulous idea while downing my fiftieth glass of Caffeine Free Diet Coke. The next in the long line of series in the Law & Order franchise should focus on all the eating that occurs during the defense of justice on the mean streets of New York City, particularly, the appetizers!

And instead of the "cha-chunk!" sound that plays during most of the scene transitions, they could sound a bell like in a diner, or a burp, or... oh, never mind. But I've got a good start, right?

Gah, I'm just going to fall asleep to another airing of L&O:SVU. It's a wonder I don't have litigious nightmares. Got a big day tomorrow, have to catch some rest. Love and devotion, thy name is Elliot Stabler. Goodnight.