"I'd give up my pride to save me from being alone."
Oh, no... the above line from the ill-fated hairtastic duo that shall not be named (unless you name them, of course!) can only mean one thing...
A long-awaited rendition of Silent Karaoke: College Nostalgia Edition! (Mind you, Silent Karaoke is a further testament to my inability to transition between either songs or thoughts.)
"She's figured out all her doubts were someone else's point of view. Waking up this time to smash the silence with a brick of self-control... Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you? Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?"
"So I wait here for an answer, and wonder if tomorrow will be like yesterday. I keep holding on, but can't go on living this way..." (Sorry, couldn't help that one, either. And yeah, so what if it should technically be in the High School Nostalgia Edition? Leave me alone!).
"I know too many people unhappy in a life from which they'd love to flee. Watching others get everything offered, they're wanton for discovery. Oh my brother, my sister, my mother, you're losing your identity! Can't you see that it's you in the window, shining with intensity?"
Okay, that last one made me want to call Patterson so we could go down to the Graham Cracker and get ourselves some 72-ounce frozen yogurts. Recognize!
Ah, forget it. I'm wiped. I'm going to bed.
And by the way, Willem Dafoe is still scary-lookin'.