Mercury is in retrograde, and that apparently makes me sound like a douchebag.
So, some weird shit happened tonight that I never would have expected. I'm not going to go into much detail; suffice it to say that I spoke, and was spoken to, quite uncharacteristically, and it left me feeling horrid.
After this event, I spoke with a friend of mine, who informed me that since Mercury is in retrograde, this is a time where all communication goes wonky. Now, mind you that I give whatever my friend says in this vein a lot of weight; when someone is pretty much 100 percent spot-on with everything she's ever said to you regarding your past, present, and future, and sometimes even the future of people she's never met, then yeah, I tend to give it some credence.
I actually had a much longer post regarding what happened earlier this evening, but I could not post it, as the connection to Blogger timed out over and over again. Apparently, I was not meant to post that longer diatribe. But I must say, I do feel slightly clearer after having typed it and let it go.
Fucking retrograde. Ruining it for everyone!
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