"Grab a straw..."
"Because you suck!"
I saw that on a t-shirt the other day. Cracked my shit up. Almost got it, but then remembered I had a powerful need to eat for the next month or so.
The phones are slightly quieter this afternoon. I'm guessing all of the morons that aggravate me normally have decided that the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior was a good excuse to take a day off from work.
Which works out, I guess, since it makes for a more peaceful afternoon for me.
This should make for a festive Easter weekend. First, I will spend a gross amount of time doing some spring cleaning, then reward myself by going to see Margaret Cho (!) at the Improv on Saturday night with Danhole and assorted other hooligans. Then, the Sunday Easter celebration will ensue with the fam. No doubt at some point I will continue to attempt to put miniaturized rips of movies on SD cards to play on the new-slash-used phone o'magic!
Yes, I am a simple creature. And I am quite okay with that right now.
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