The long and the long of it.
I am setting foot on hallowed ground on Friday, as my long-overdue vacay takes me to the wilds of New Jersey ("God's Country," really). Not only am I going to be taking time away from those chuckleheads at the Seventh Layer of Hell, I will be indulging in quality family time, as well as swimming in infants (almost literally). Let's not forget quality time to be spent with Leviathan, as well the oh-so-remote possibility of me winning huge in Atlantic City and flying back down here to flip off everyone at work before I quit on the spot...
Sorry, drifting off again. I apologize.
Anyway, I think you can tell that I'm pretty damned excited to be getting away, even if it's for ten days. I think I might have a bit of a problem with blogging, however, as I will not have ready access to a computer for ten days, and this morning, Google started giving me shit when I tried to log onto Blogger to update. For some reason, Google now requires you to have a Google ID to log in to a number of things, and for some reason, I can't just directly log onto Blogger from my phone now; I'm supposed to use Google. The trouble is, my phone keeps yelling at me to have Active-X controls activated (something I don't think I can do on SuperPhone), and won't let me sign up for a Google account, much less log into it to get to the blog. Gah. So, what do you think it's gonna be, audio blogs for the next two weeks? I'm not sure any of us could handle that much stupidity at once.
This tangent has been brought to you by... Eh, fuck it.
Can you sense the overall malaise I'm languishing through these days? I mean, my vacation starts at 4:30 PM on Thursday, and thus far, this has been the longest damned week of my life. I've been keeping busy, but shit if I got to look at the clock after what seemed like hours to see that I've just burned a measly three minutes.
It's gotten to the point that I have to rely on Penelope, my at-office mascot, to manage my daily interactions with co-workers. And she doesn't take any bullshit.
Nothing says "I love my job" quite like a penguin wearing a samurai hat and carrying a big yellow hatchet.
By the way, it's pronounced "Pee-nah-lope." Just so you know.
Sorry if this entry isn't what you thought it might be after reading the title. Perv.
Some more random stuff before I shut my brain off for the evening:
- I've been debating whether or not I should reveal I recently bought a pair of jorts for my trip. Well, guess the debate's over. I was going to start this whole argument for how they aren't really your typical jorts, but hell, they're denim shorts, so I guess they really are a "portmanteau of jeans and shorts" (hee hee, Wikipedia, for using "portmanteau," as it sounds kind of dirty). For shame. And none of you stopped me! What's next, more post-grad work, but this time at UGA? Somebody do something!
- Someone, who shall remain nameless, just so happens to be watching Mean Girls every time I talk to him on the phone. And I mean, every time. He attributes this to the fact that Showtime airs it in heavy rotation, but come on, man. You don't have to be ashamed. We know you miss pre-crazy weight loss Lohan.
We all do, man. We all do.
- JustRrrow.
1817 more days to sweet, sweet Gator Football Goodness!
I know, I'm getting giddy. Can't help it.
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