"I didn't realize you weren't having fun."
Ah, yet another glorious Friday morning! I've already ingested a couple of cans of Code Red and logged onto MySpace, all from the comfort and convenience of my cubicle in the seventh layer of hell. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
Yeah, MySpace. I got on there a couple of years ago because a friend of mine from the old job insisted that I check out his profile. I left it alone up until probably late last year, mostly because I didn't want to get sucked into maintaining another "space" on the Web.
Then, some friends from back in the day (didn't Mr. Cook say that was a Wednesday?) got on there, so it became a convenient way to contact them, as well as other people you may or may not want to hear from (kind of like your high school reunion, but without the harrowing awkwardness or booze, and unfortunately, less of a chance of running into JC).
So, yeah, I have a MySpace. And I don't bother posting on the blog there, since I have a difficult enough time posting to this one with any regularity.
Maybe I should incorporate more fiber into my diet for that, huh?
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