I thank the stars that I managed to make it through today at work. The workload has gotten crazier and crazier in the past few weeks, and I'm doing my best to look for opportunities in my chosen field again. This, of course, is unsurprisingly difficult (after all, why would something happen easily for me?), but, I do it nonetheless.
I guess the good thing about being busy at work is that I have time to do little else. I log in first thing in the morning, get up a few times during the day to take breaks and lunch, then watch the clock crawl forward whilst listening to some random chucklehead regale me with tales of their fuckedupedness. This kind of sucks, because I can't really always respond in the manner I'd prefer. At least as a therapist, I could interact in a number of different ways with those clients, and I didn't have as much of a chance of being fired for doing so.

How I felt after both the game on Saturday night and work today. That's right, my frustrations were "Cena strong." Leave me be.
Gah. Mark down another one in the "chosen profession" column.
So, with the exception of some good chocolate chip cookies on the Community Grazing Table in our department, today sucked. It made me miss my weekend, which, even with the horrid events of Saturday evening's ESPN Full Circle game, was wonderful, comparatively speaking.
Actually, other than the game (grr), my weekend was pretty darned good. I got to hang with some of my boys, learned something about myself (don't eat your teriyaki chicken wings and fried mushrooms too fast during a football game, especially if you haven't eaten all day, and if you feel sickly afterwards, you certainly should not celebrate feeling better with a strawberry cheesecake milkshake, you friggin' idiot!), and got to see Tasha and her family before they headed back up to the big D (I've offered to pay her a dollar if she pumped her fist in the air and yelled "Duluth, Represent!" on more than one occasion) today.
And the latter allowed me to eat at Cody's for the first time, since... well, since Tasha moved back to the D, which was almost four years ago. Sooo, steak and sweet potato and salad and bread with that crack-sprinkled cinnamon butter abounded.

Don't worry; I prepared myself earlier in the day for this bovine onslaught by actually eating something for breakfast, and by referring to my trusty beef-meeting guide, pictured above. I just love how they've chosen to put the spotlight on certain types of cows by giving them exclamation points. Oh, and those "chosen ones" are even allowed quasi-yearbook quotes! Lucky!
I think I'll try to survive the rest of this week by amusing myself by singing the "Taco Flavored Kisses" song (no idea why that's suddenly hilarious to me again) , watching all the AD I can in a single sitting (definitely), and "accidentally" hanging up on people that annoy me.
Yes, let's see how well that works.
Simmental, bitches!
Summary only...