As strong as Cena.
So, there was this conversation the other day regarding the strength or intensity of... well, something. And the other participant in this conversation described something as "Cena strong," as in John Cena, the professional wrestler.
I know. Lots of wrasslin' in this blog as of late. Although, I have always preferred to refer to it as "homoerotic grappling," or "Danhole's soaps."
This got me to thinking: exactly how strong is "Cena strong?" Barring any further viewing of actual wrasslin' matches, I procured the following:
If the preceeding is any indication of the intensity of anything, I think I shall conclude that Cena strong, is indeed, pretty strong. And slightly comical. And worthy of carrying around a spinner-riffic championship belt. Perhaps I should rethink this.
Please excuse this entire post, as apparently, I have been sampling too many perfumes at once.
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