So much to say...
So little time at work to sneak in a blog post, and once I get said time, I forget what the hell there is to say. Getting old totally sucks.
I am really enjoying my new workplace. I started this job in April, and I really like the people I work with, having regular hours, the interaction with the patients. It is so not like the last place, where I wanted to gouge my eyes out with the closest available staple remover. And yes, I still miss working with my little tots and punkasses. But I have some aspect of that regular interaction with patients that I really missed while working in the Seventh Layer of Hell.
I'm also back to working with mostly women again, which is working out pretty well. Everyone still looks at me funny though when I start getting the glaze in my eyes that only comes with 2 things: heavy intoxication, or Gator Footbaw (!).
Funny enough that those two things don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Speaking of the latter, the last few weeks of it have been quite excellent. I'm even toying around with starting another blog a little more focused on my observation of sport. But that would require time and effort, and, well, good things to write about. And really, who wants to hear me talk out of my ass about random shit? Related to sports, I mean?
Certainly not Peter. Unless he's taking a break from the Tetris, that is.
Ah, hell. Give me your thoughts. I'm going back to looking busy.
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