Oddly enough, I don't have any really good ones for being absent so long (yet again)... I thought of perhaps taking the stance that my web silence was in quiet support of the striking writers; but we all know that one has absolutely nothing to do with the other, and it would also mean I'm taking my verbal shenanigans way too seriously. So, out of respect for striking writers, I will not use them as my convenient excuse for blog slacking.
Again, they have nothing to do with my laziness.
Instead, I shall explain away my lack of blog effort on footbaw(!), work, family, my new mp3 player, and life in general.
Me, as recently as four hours ago.
Now that I have established myself in an office almost all my own (I share with one of the doctors two days a week), I may be able to sneak in a post once in a while, assuming the mood strikes.
For now, I'm off to have my fourth can of Sprite Zero since I got here this morning. It's like Hades in here.
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