Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Because Orson said so...

Found a gem at Every Day Should Be Saturday. I can't really align myself with the Stuff White People Like (although I totally dig on shorts, dogs, Arrested Development, having black friends, t-shirts, and grad school, and I'm quite certain I'll love Juno... maybe it can be "Stuff White People Like, and Brown People Have Been Known to Like Some of This Stuff, Too"?), so this is as close as I'm going to get.

I must give a grateful nod to lengli for first pointing out SWPL to me in her Facebook links, and to Orson for being one literary, talented lawya!

By the way, on SWPL: lol at #11!

1 Comment:

Lisa Armsweat said...

1) I can't find your e-mail address, so can you send it to me at

2) How close are you to Tampa? I have the option of going to a seminar there in September... would LOVE to see you!

3) I STILL can't get the "read more" button to work. Son of a BITCH!

4) "It's as Anne as the nose on Plain's face."