Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Nip/Tuck. Ooh/Ahh.

I forsook all other television viewing this evening for the wonder that is the season finale of Nip/Tuck. As usual, it was topical and erotic, but I still have a hard time reconciling the fact that Jean Grey can be a psycho hosebeast. Here endeth the dorkiness (yeah, right). Suffice it to say, if you haven't caught any of the Nip/Tuck, ever, go rent the first season, then when the second comes out, rent that, too.

Hey, I'm learning my lesson with Lost. So many people have told me how good it is, and I've missed the first two, so I've gone and downloaded them, will probably download tomorrow night's, then I'll be caught up for next week. Not like I'm condoning such action... Actually no, I'm not condoning such action. Yes, yes... I'm borrowing them from Kris and Randal. Right.