Sunday, October 17, 2004

Separated at birth.

I'm posting this on the Fuckles Blog as well. To wit, from

This Month's Bad Taste Offender: Brock Berlin

After a comeback victory over Florida State recently, University of Miami quarterback Brock Berlin called ex-Creed frontman Scott Stapp to celebrate. The longtime friends grew up in Shreveport, Louisiana where Brock idolized the older Stapp. It was learned after the game that Brock has heard Scott's music and still seeks his approval. Scott Stapp is bad music.
This kinda sorta explains a lot. But, wait. Doesn't Brock...

Sort of look like...
Carson Fucking Daly?

"Shh! I'm Carson Daly, and I'm still a massive tool!"

My head is spinning from all the suckitude in this post!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Scott's music sucks, but Brock the Miami QB is a major hottie!! If sexy A J Feeley would make a great flash gordon then Brock should be in a remake of King Kong. The blonde 6'1 jock would be the new Faye Ray, love interest of the giant monkey. This time the gorilla would be female and the blonde stud would be her boy toy. Brock Berlin dumb blonde jock.
Another great movie!!!