Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So, I was wondering how I would be able to capture the precious moments that happen away from the computer, such as the ones that occur during work or elsewhere. I tried to do the mobile blogging thing w/the cell phone, but for some reason, when I send those blog entries in, the punctuation marks don't seem to translate very well (ampersands and colons all over the place, like a very gory grammar horror movie).

So, as I sat there in my little cubby today, I decided I would jot down bloggeries on Post-Its and scan them when I got home. Then, I'd post the scans on the blog. I thought it would be neat to see the "raw feed" of all the bullshit that comes out of my head.

That's what I did. When I got home, I hunkered down at the desktop and scanned away. Little did I realize that today was not a day for patience in scanning, resizing for the web, and getting the image to look right at a reasonable file size. I also discovered that this was not a day for trying to find another blog template to jazz up the blog. Fahk. I gave up after my eyes started hurting from trying to manipulate the image. Coincidentally, this happened at about the same time I got hungry, so it worked out in the end.

So, yeah, no Post-It scans today. You never know: I might be inclined to do them at a future date. But, the original Post-Its are sitting here sadly, waiting to be eaten by the dog, so I suppose I should just transcribe them.

Okay, I'll get right to that. Later.