Thursday, September 01, 2005


Some of you may have noticed that I've been on the Blog a lot in the past few days. You may have also noticed I've changed the template five thousand times.

I really liked the last one I had up before this one. Unfortunately, the image that went on the bottom left corner of the page was hosted on another site, and that site is going all wonky right now, denying you the pleasure of viewing what might be the most adorable rendering of the Grim Reaper I've seen in a dog's age. So, that prompted me to do some tweaking, and for now, this is what you're going to get.

Again, if anyone wants to take on the the task of designing a workable and kickass template, I'm all ears. Woo me.

So, we got a new guy at work this week. This has made me the "new girl" no longer; I am simply "the girl who used to be new, but is now just dumb as hell because she's still asking a thousand questions after doing this job for over a month."

It's a place of honor, really.

Anyway, when I found out we were getting another person on our team, and it was a guy, of course, my interest was peaked. Gotta fit that single, late 20's female stereotype, you know.

Oh, God. "Late twenties." I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen.

New guy walked in the other day. Had to be in his late 40's to early 50's. Wore a suit with a blue-green t-shirt. How very "Sonny, Sonny Crockett, King of Miami Vice!" of him.

Ah, yes. Just as Brenda is two-for-two in predicting my employment, I am three-for-three in getting into jobs lacking viable male suitors. Insert image of me shaking my fist at the sky here.