Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hook that shit!

Apparently, my technique worked for the entire Bowl Series this year. Congratulations to Texas, who just won the NC sitting on the shoulders of Vince Young!

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Run, Vince, Run!

And run that magnificent bastard did, to the tune of three rushing touchdowns!

The above Vince Young, of course, should never be confused with that schlub from 9-0:Image hosted by
"Vincent" Young, the guy who always looked tired and/or stoned as Noah on 90210.

Oh, wait, here's a far better picture:
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Of course, the New Math makes him much, much older. That, and the bowl cut and porn star 'stache.

I wanted Texas to win, merely because I detest any college team that wears anything remotely resembling garnet and gold, and I don't dig on dudes who take one Ballroom Dancing class to stay eligible to play a fifth season of football. Also, I felt I needed to throw Texas my support since almost ten years ago, they (along with Ohio State) helped us win our own NC.

Okay, now I can go to bed.