Tuesday, May 30, 2006


At long last, one of you has asked "What the shit is going on with the blog entry titles?"

(You all can thank good ol' Armsweat for showing your lazy asses up. And they even called her "Doofus Baby," for Christ's sake. "Doofus Baby" drinkin' a Bud, no less! You should all be ashamed!)

Well, here's the answer: Each of the last seven entry titles has been a song lyric, in the order they are in the song (even I am surprised that I had enough presence of mind to enter the titles in reverse order so that they would show up correctly. Color me stunned). Now, if you can figure out the song title and who sung it, that'll be cool. But if you can go for the bonus and tell me what the title of the song means, well, then, you're just as lame as I am!

Seriously, I don't know why that song has been in my head for the past couple of weeks, but it has been.

Oh, and speaking of "has beens..." Oh, no, I just can't. I don't have the heart to insert a pop-culture-icon-on-the-decline joke here. Grow yer own!

The holiday weekend was fun, but woefully short. I was running around crazy all of Saturday and Sunday, but stayed in most of yesterday. Riley even got a bath, and was not a snot about it, surprisingly; she actually did not try to escape the tub this time.

After the hosedown, I ventured out to see my little nephew and nieces (not technically my nephew and nieces, but you try to correct those cute little buggers when they call you "Auntie!" as excitedly as possible!). Then I hung out with Riles and the Old Man for a bit, and let my brain melt from crappy tele playing in the background whilst I tooled around the house, trying to think of an effective way to avoid going to work today.

As you can tell, I couldn't come up with a single viable excuse that I could execute, as I ended up in my cubicle this morning, looking to gather all semi-sharp objects (so as to not look so "obvious" when I keep running into the letter opener mounted oddly on my file drawer).

And now, I'm here. And I'm seriously thinking of taking Friday off by telling my manager that "I've got the Black Lung."

Whoops, Riley looks like she wants to go water the plants. Apparently, Tucker Carlson does that to her. Catch you guys later.