"Capa-town," my ass!
I just wanted to let you know that this weekend, at the barbecue I attended twice (meaning once with Danhole and again later with Riley, not meaning I attended it, had a "rewind day" a-la-Tru Calling, and re-lived it), I managed to find someone who not only appreciated my bright yellow "Liger" t-shirt, but also proceeded to spend the next five minutes spouting off favorite Napoleon quotes.
And, if that weren't enough, this person also managed to proudly proclaim a deep-felt affection for Pootie Tang (another one unabashedly close to my own heart), so deep that he bought the DVD twice (because someone stole the first one, which makes me wonder who the hell would steal a copy of Pootie Tang, and also makes me surprised that it wasn't me who did it).
I love it when you click with someone over something absolutely unconsequential, but treat it like you've just discovered the friggin' Holy Grail. I may potentially add this person to my meager will, identifying him only as one of my "main damies." Yeah, that's what I think I'll do. Sa-da-tay!
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