"Did you happen to eat a gall boulder, then fall on your stomach?"
That show is just good!
So, the desktop computer and television have been moved into the vacated room across the hall. I still don't get why it was decided that my tele would be moved, as I now have no way to effectively fall asleep to it. Crap.
The desktop is going to be rebuilt (version 180.3 or something) sometime soon, and the laptop is going to reside in my room. At the very least, there aren't any wires running through the hallway that would entice Riley to nibble.
Now, the only thing that's going to be a bitch is that I have to put back everything that was cluttering my entertainment center and desk in some order (it's currently chaos packed into open boxes).
I haven't had much time to post lately. I've been cramming appointments into four working days, trying to keep productivity at decent levels. Also, I'm heading out on Friday morning for a five-day sojourn up the coast. Soooo, it's pretty much been head-up-my-own-ass time the past week or two.
Now, if you'll excuse me, there's some dusting that needs to be done yesterday.
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