"Mama's got to go to work."
Oh, Alias, how I've missed you so. Thank the stars you've come back to me, even though you're ending and I'm probably going to fall back into that emotional K-Hole that formed when Buffy ended.
I was going to write more, but hell, I'm still getting over Scruffy Vaughn. Hooray! In lieu of a picture of that oh-so-rugged facial hair, I will instead present you with this:
Seriously, you know why? Because school is hot.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go book my ticket to Bhutan. Peace out!
Mr. Coulson rocks my world!
If we're really, really good, do you think they'll bring Buffy back?
I have been lost without Buffy Night. I still sort of think it's on when it's Tuesday. And then I remember and I cry, like big baby-woman.
Good thing you're bringing the wet naps, then. Save some for me. And a couple of dry ones, too.
I've tried to be good, then they have to go and end Angel. Now, I have great momentary distress whenever I see David Boreanaz walking around in the sunlight in that Bones business. And now Alias is ending, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Going to post the picture of me and Nick Brendon, 'cause I do miss him so.
BTW, my word verification is "aerwkbyz." Looks like a rejected Elf name to me. Betcha somewhere, Arwen is breathing a sigh of deep, deep relief.
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