Thursday, April 20, 2006

No flan to be had.

I realize that what my people call "lecheflan" is decidedly different from the flan that is commonly sold. I think that the "dulce de leche flan" I saw in a ridiculous tub at the local Publix might be close, but I have yet to dole out the Abe to try it. Alas, in an effort to stave off my recent lecheflan cravings, Perla bought some flan in little single-serving cups.

What a bunch of shit. It's not flan. I'm not even sure it's passing for edible. Hence, my need for something really rich and really sweet has not been met.

In keeping with my feelings of oooh from yesterday, I must post the following:

I'm not sure if I agree with the choice of lip shade here, but what the hell, the girl was hot even when she was with the BenBun in the oven. We'll have to give this one a pass. Dammit.