Friday, February 22, 2008

Another gem from my mother.

Despite the fact that in the past six days, any and all talk of wedding planning has made me want to commit "quality matricide," as Buffy would put it, I have to share just a small thing before I retire for the evening.

Moments ago, I asked my mom what the heck she was still doing up at this hour. She then dutifully informed me that she was watching America's Best Dance Crew. An entire episode. And she had opinions on each crew competing!

"I don't understand why they call them 'dance crews,'" she said. "It's more like calisthenics!"

Oh, the whole thing was too cute; I just had to enjoy.

So kudos to Perla for her cultural immersion! Too bad she'll probably start talking politics to piss me off next.


Fraulein N said...

Hee. I'm sorta ashamed to admit it, but the mister has gotten me into watching this show. We usually hate this sort of crap but something about this show has sucked us in. We're totally rooting for the Jabbawockeez (or however they spell it) to win.

Smackadocious said...

Join us... join us... join us :)

I think my Mom is making it a habit to watch this show now. So, of course, I have to catch it to (even going to the lengths of watching it on the laptop, despite the constant repeats of which I remember MTV being so fond). You know, as a bonding exercise. Before I totally lose my brains on her during wedding planning.