Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Either I have too much time on my hands...

Or I'm trying to avoid work/wedding planning/everything else. Yes, probably that.

I just signed up for that Grand Central business you see in the form of the "Call Me!" button to your right. Apparently, you plug in your phone number, and the system calls you and connects you to my assigned phone number or voice mail. And it's all free. I have yet to get a phone call in this manner; probably because I'm not quite sure whether or not I want to give out the number. But I guess that's part of the charm, since I'm not actually giving out my cell number or anything, just a number I've been assigned.

I think I was just really missing the old audio blog capability and felt like maybe, just maybe, someone will get soused enough to leave me drunken voice mails to post on the blog to be reviewed in later moments of clarity. Drunk dialing a blog? Oh, hell yes. It's starting to feel like college all over again (except without all the vomiting and early morning shame)!

And I see your mouse pointer hovering over the button contemplatively. Give in and call it, already! At the very least, we'll know how the hell this works, and your dulcet tones may be broadcast far and wide! Why am I yelling?