I seriously think that I am losing it. I have been on this phone all day with utter morons, perched in my seat with one hand hovering over the mute button, and the other flipping off the monitor in lieu of not having the morons right in front of my face.
I have spent the precious few moments between calls trying to type away on this little keyboard, hoping in vain that the typing will make the pain stop. But it doesn't.
A few moments ago, I went to pick up the phone, and picked up my Swingline, instead (thankfully, it was not my cherished RED one, as I would not in my right mind bring it to this hovel). I briefly thought that if I stapled my ear and started bleeding profusely all over my correspondence, these heartless hinds might send me home. Alas, no... they'd probably just give me a bucket to collect the drops. Bastards.
The only thing that has given me any joy today is the fab Armsweat comment on my "salad" post ("Classic!" raves Roger Ebert... what?), and the fact that my boobs look awesome in this shirt.
Rah rah! for shallow crap! I need to get the hell out of here!
Summary only...